First Presbyterian Church
Randallsville Baptist Church
Herkimer Pentecostal Church
WVVC Anniversary with Lenny LeBlanc
Rome Captial Theater (Easter Show)
Kingdom Bound
New LIfe Church Syracuse NY
First United Methodist Church Vernon Center NY
Living Hope Assembly of God Camden NY
Calvary Temple Oneida, NY
Great Escape Glory
Norwich Corners Church
Rome Christian Center
Rome Weslyan Church Sunday School Celebration
Resurrection Life Church Rome Honor America Days
Camp Lookout West Eaton
Great Escape Glory
Lake Delta Bible Conference Center Revive! & Camp Shiloh
Living Hope Assembly of God Camden NY
Blessed Sacrament Gospel Christmas Party
Mount Zion Children's Church
Calvary Temple Oneida NY
Blessed Sacrament Gospel Christmas Party
Mount Zion Children's Church
Camp Lookout West Eaton

Luke 18:17
Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.”
Mega Bubble Man and teenage helpers minister to children during an altar call.

Pastor Brent Culver was the leader who allowed my wife and I to pioneer the children's ministry in 1994. He is our current pastor.

Luke 18:16
But Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.
Elim Bible Church at Elim Bible Instittue Lima NY

Kingdom Bound
Trained up teen to minister alongside Mega Bubble Man
Local Church

The "bubble clear" gospel of Jesus Christ is portrayed in such a way that children and adults have responded favorably to receiving Jesus as Lord and Savior of their lives. The joyous and creative interaction with the audience breaks many barriers. In fact, God has enabled this presentation to transcend denominations! It seems that God has graced people of all ages and backgrounds with the ability to embrace bubbles and then hear about their Creator.
This presentation brings us full circle from Genesis to the New Testament. Here we have the citiizens of Bubblopolis who have lost their "Bubble Ears" to hear from God. The Mega Miracle Man (JESUS) is sent in to restore their ears and forgive the sin that took them away. Created originally for Kingdom Bound at Darian Lake in NY. A prophetic anointing sometimes accompanies this ministry.
An introduction to the wonderful Holy Spirit to children. Set in Bethlemen. Bubblop characters "teach" bible principles regarding the Gifts of the Holy Spirit according to 1 Corinthians 12,13 & 14.
All presentations are approximately 45 minutes or more depending on ministry. Participation and Joy are our trademarks so the children's attention is kept for the entire time as they and their parents participate on stage for many interactive lessons with creative and colorful mega bubbles!
Mega Bubble Presentations

Let me introduce to you Mega Bubble Man Productions. We would be grateful if you would bring our Bubble Ministry to the attention of your organizational meeting. If you've been praying for a way to reach your community, a way to expand your Sunday School attendance or a VBS Program ... Mega Bubble Man could be it!
Jim Livi, Mega Bubble Man, easily captivates children with the fascination of his colorful lifesize bubbles. Children are acqainted with the amazing world of "Bubblopolis!" where "Bubblop Citizens" teach biblical principles in an entertaining and exciting format. It's like a soap bubble puppet show, but better! Even teenagers get caught up in the fun. Mega Bubble Man has ministered across denominations reaching entire familes.
Scroll below to view the different presentations
Coming soon...bibles lessons from Mega Bubble Man. Let us know if you're interested and click here.

Simple training for children to share their faith in Jesus with their friends!
"Share My Bubble"

Ministering on Long Island
Pastor Doug Brushell of Beleiver's Chapel in NY

On June 11th, 2024 Mega Bubble Man Productions presented the "Bubble Clear" Gospel of Jesus Christ through our presentation called "Bubbles From Heaven" to the students at The St. Rose of Lima Catholic School in Syracuse, NY. The entire students body of 300 children accepted Christ to be their Lord and Savior! We give all the glory to Jesus, God His Father and the Holy Spirit for doing this amazing miracle!
On August 24th, 2024 my Mega Bubble Assistant, Andrew Lohm, preached his first sermon at Church of Machias [NY] !