Stories for Children by Mega Bubble Man

My Hairy Day

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Hi Boys and Girls!
This is the Mega Bubble Man.
Today’s story is “My Hairy Day.”
Howard looked in the mirror and saw a funny hair hanging out, on the left side. Ugh! “How many times do I have to move that piece of hair?”
“Mom! Can you give me a haircut?” Howard shouted from the bathroom.
“I can’t hear you!” mom replied, trying not to get mad at him.
“Come into the kitchen, where I can hear you.”
Howard (Albert) threw a brush into the sink and slammed the bathroom door. Bamm!
“Mom, I need a haircut,” he said with frustration covering his face.
“You just had a haircut only a week ago. What’s your problem?”
“Mom, don’t you see?” He pointed to a spot on his head.
But Mom doesn’t see anything unusual.
“Albert, calm down. Your hair looks fine. You don’t need a haircut.” Mom says as she cuts some potatoes for dinner.
Albert storms into the living room mumbling to himself. “Why doesn’t Mom see? The kids always notice.”
Mom gets to thinking and calls Albert back into the kitchen.
“Albert, come in here. And let me see that head of hair.”
Albert decides to get up from the couch and walks with shrugged shoulders.
“Mom, don’t you see the hair sticking out?”
“Oh I see a young boy who is way too concerned for his looks.”
His hair looks great. “Your hair looks great!”
“As far as I’m concerned, you’re the most handsome boy on the block. But let me take a closer look. “ Mom wanted Albert to feel cared for.
But still, thought in her mind that Albert was upset about nothing.
After sitting down in a slump Albert points to the hair spot. He shuffles around a bit and gets anzy.
His mom takes too long to agree with him.
“Mom, look right here!” He says with some anger in his voice.
Mom takes a step backwards and leans into her son.
“Albert, I don’t know what’s gotten into you. But I still think that your hair is fine. In fact, if you were to go to the salon today, the barber would question me why I brought you! Albert! Nobody is looking that closely at your head of hair.”
Mom tried her best to convince him.
But he grabbed a mirror from the table and made it show off his hair even more.
“You know, if you were to put this much attention on your homework, I bet it would go a lot better for you.”
Albert looked fed up with his mom, but listened out of respect for her.
“When you watch something so closely, you think about it more than other things in life. Let me explain… when a tennis player is in a tournament, they play all their games as if they can see the trophy. The trophy isn’t in the middle of the court, but it’s seated in a special box by the referee. You’re thinking about your hair too much. And now all you can see is a problem with it. Are you listening to me Albert?” She said with some intensity and smudged glasses.
Albert shifted again in the seat now trying to get up. But he had to sit back or he would have bumped into his mom.
“I think I know what you’re saying, but this is my hair, it has to be perfect. It’s got to look real good in front of my friends.”
Albert described.
“I know how much you want to look good. Don’t you want to look good for God?”
Albert said, “What? What are you talking about mom?”
“What I’m trying to say is this. Listen to me. When you keep your eyes on things like hair, you miss the real important stuff in life. God can see you wherever you are and He wants you not only to look good on the outside, but to look good on the inside. He wants you to focus your eyes on Him. He gave you that great head of hair in the first place Albert. Don’t you think He wants it cared for?”
“Oh, of course He does.”
“But He wants you to watch over your heart too. He’s more concerned about you caring for what’s on the inside than the outside. And why? Because what’s on the inside will last longer Albert. You can take what you learn about God with you to heaven, but you won’t be taking your beautiful hair with you. By that time you’ll have grey hair anyway.”
Mom laughs at herself as she pulls a strand of her own hair around her neck. After a brief moment Albert gets up and walks back into the bathroom.
“Mom, God wants me to keep my hair in good shape. But I understand what you’re telling me. I’ll think about God every time I look in the mirror. OK? ” Albert expressed himself with sincerity and a keen look at himself.
“God, help me to look for You,” he whispered.
How ‘bout you Boys and Girls? Do you only see yourself, your clothes and your hair when you look in the mirror? Well God wants you to see your heart as He does. He wants you to think about His purposes for you. Not just what you’re wearing for the day. Life is more than the outside stuff. Ask Him to help you to see the important things on the inside. If you want to know more about the God who created you and loves you, click on FIRST!

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